Real Estate Market Report - Woodridge, IL (Nov, 2023)

Current Market Condition
Active Listings
Pending Listings
Median List Price
The median sale/list price data shows a fluctuation in prices from November 2022 to October 2023, with the highest median price in January 2023 at $370,000 and the lowest in June 2023 at $290,000. There also seems to be a significant drop in median price in February 2023 in the first set of data and in July 2023 in the second set of data.
Median Sale/List Price

The median sale price per square foot has been fluctuating in the provided data, with a high of $205.108 in October 2023 and a low of $172.487 in July 2023. The overall trend seems to be an increase in price, with a peak in May 2023 at $198.767.
Median Sale Price per Square Foot

The data shows the median sale price to list price ratio for the next year, with a consistent ratio of 0.99 for the first two months before gradually increasing to a peak of 1.027 in June 2023. There are some fluctuations in the ratio, with a dip in February and a spike in April, but overall it appears to remain relatively stable.
Median Sale Price to List Price Ratio

The first set of data shows a steady increase in the number of properties sold/listed from November 2022 to August 2023, with the highest count of 48 in August. The second set of data shows a fluctuation in the number of properties sold/listed, with the highest count of 44 in June 2023.
Properties Sold/Listed

The median days on market for homes decreased steadily from November 2022 to May 2023, with a low of 5.0 days in June and July. However, there was a slight increase in August to 8.0 days before dropping back down to 6.5 days in October 2023.
Median Days on Market

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760 Pasquinelli Dr Suite 348, Westmont, Illinois, 60559, United States